Buy / Sell Phones

We Buy Used, Broken & New Phones.

Buy / Sell Phones

Top $$$$ Paid for your cell phones

Do you have any of the following phones:
iPhone 5
iPhone 5s
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s Plus

We will buy them in any condition! Even if the screen is cracked, or if it is broken or has any sort of problems. We will give you cash in the same day you contact us. Even if your phone is in excellent condition and you are looking for cash in the same day; then feel free to contact!

When emailing us, please provide me a brief description of your device such as:

What type of Phone is it:
What is wrong with it
What is included with it
A contact number (If applicable)
And lastly, how much you are hoping to get for it.

Not to be rude but please do not reply expecting to get what you paid for the phone when you bought it in the store. Price will reflect the details you provide.

We can pick up depending on your location.